OHW22 Regional Satellite Events#

Six Regional Satellite Events will take place this year to serve as local connecting points for project work, community building, and engaging potential future OHW organizers. OHW22 organizers invite participants geographically located near one of these regional satellites or interested in virtual participation in a specific satellite to select one of these events. The satellite events may be virtual or in-person and take different formats depending on the event organizers. In-person participants may be required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

Global and satellite participants will have access to the same online resources and common communication channels, and are encouraged to interact one another across time zones and geographical locations especially on project work.

For help with time zone conversions, see https://www.timeanddate.com or similar sites.

US Northeast#

  • Time zone: UTC-4 (US/Eastern)

  • Format: informal in-person gatherings

  • Locations: East Boothbay (Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences) and Portland (Gulf of Maine Research Institute), Maine, US.

We will have two small parallel satellites in Maine for participants in the Boothbay and Portland areas (i.e. within commuting distance of either location). We have conference rooms at both labs available as places for participants to gather, but are not able to provide support for travel, lodging or meals.

See more details and contact info here.

US Northwest#

  • Time zone: UTC-7 (US/Pacific)

  • Format: in-person gathering across two sub-programs

  • Location: Seattle (University of Washington), WA, USA

We will have two sub-programs in the US Northwest satellite:

  • A regular 5-day OHW satellite (August 15-19) geared toward students and scientists already conducting research in the ocean sciences domain

  • A 3-week undergraduate summer program (August 8-26) geared toward students who do not already have experiences in oceanographic research and are interested in “testing the water.”

These two sub-programs are coordinated in their planning and coincides in time. Participatns are encouraged to interact fully across the groups and with other satellites.

See more details and contact info here.

US Southwest#

  • Time zone: UTC-7 (US/Pacific)

  • Format: informal in-person gathering

  • Location: San Diego (Scripps Institution of Oceanography), California, USA

  • Main contact: Steve Diggs (sdiggs@ucsd.edu)

Details of the event are still being fleshed out. Check back here soon for more info!


  • Time zone: UTC+10

  • Format: informal in-person gathering

  • Location: TBD, likely near Brisbane

  • Main contact: Nick Mortimer (Nick.Mortimer@csiro.au)

We will have limited support available for regional participants needing to travel.

Details of the event are still being fleshed out, including the exact location. Check back here soon for more info!



  • Time zone: UTC-4

  • Format: virtual + small in-person gatherings

  • Locations: Lima, Peru and Rocha, Uruguay

  • Main contact: Emilio Mayorga (emiliom@uw.edu).

Details of the event are still being flushed out, including the exact venues at the two locations. Check back here soon for more info!